Thursday, January 27, 2011


bill chart - February 2011

Wow.... it's been a long time since I was on here. It's about time I update this thing. :)

Well, as you can see, we did not make as much progress the past few months as were making earlier in the year. Part of me feels a little bummed, but the other part of me looks at the overall picture of what we have accomplished in just a little over a year and I could not be happier. We have been paying such big payments on medical debt that I decided to add that amount to our chart as well. When I see the grand total, I just smile. Not only are we that much less in debt today than we were a year ago (which is awesome), but it represents everything we have been through as a family to get to this point. We're doing it!!!!...and we're doing it together!!!

If I could give just one piece of advice to anyone else who is in our shoes, or to anyone who might happen to read this, it would be to NOT GIVE UP!!! Know that you will have set backs and you will struggle some months, but keep will get there!!!

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